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  • #2458
    Kent Busse

    I finally spent a lot of time with your updated X Blog Pro. I am satisfied with link color #007bff and hover color #00b3ea. Now I can finally see what is a link in a paragraph.

    However, now the blog header text and the header text on every post displayed in the masonry on the home page is the LINK COLOR BLUE.
    I realize those are links, but I REALLY want them to stay black. I HAVE set “classic header text color” to #000000 (black) and I would really like it to stay that way. When I am in the CUSTOMIZING PREVIEW, the heading text IS black as I choose it to be. However, when I upload the change and close the browser, the next time I open the blog in the browser, all those headings are BLUE. That is not the color I want!

    Kent Busse

    UPDATE: I discovered that if the browser (Chrome or Edge) recognizes me as the author of the post, then the headers are blue colored links. If I use incognito / in private browsing, the header text is black as I requested. The external links within the post are blue and easy to recognize. That is what I needed most.

    You can put this topic to rest as far as I am concerned. I am now happy with the current status.

    THANK YOU for a design that gets me many compliments on your work!

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