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  • #2518
    elaine janes

    Hi, Just curious, is there a way to hide the Blog posts on the home page? It is too repetitive. Already have the posts on the home tabs one, two and three sections and of course there are the side bars recent post and what ever else I put there, but at the bottom there is a block of ALL POSTS,
    just seem too repetitive.. Just curious if that block can be hidden.

    thank you

    Theme space

    Thank you for your question.
    You can hide the duplicate posts by using a unique category select.
    You may assign your posts a unique category then home page posts don’t show again and again.
    We will add the blog posts hide feature in the News pro theme next version.
    Thanks again

    elaine janes

    any idea when the new version will be out????? I see in some of your comments to other people that there is version 1.0.8 but we all have 1.0.7.
    thank you

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