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  • #2096
    Monica Brady

    I’ve been trying to fix the setting on our blog posts to ONLY show the original post date. I’m trying to do this by going to Design > Customize > Site Blog Settings > Blog Settings. Under the “set post title position” there are little boxes to check “post time” and “post create and update time.” If you only select “post time,” it actually shows the updated time. If you select both “post time” and “post create and update time,” it shows both the original post date and the updated post date. I think this might be an issue in the theme, and if it’s possible to have it fixed to where we can only have the original post date up, rather than both, that would be very helpful!

    Theme space

    Thank you for your question.
    We will fixed the issue our next update very soon.
    Thanks again

    Monica Brady

    Hi there,

    Checking in to see if an update has been made for this yet..


    Kent Busse

    Today I added images to my posts. (I’m learning this stuff slowly.) Without this question from Monica I would have been helpless. To me it is absolutely essential to show the POST CREATION time. That is how I cite the articles. I do not care about the post update time. Thanks Monica for showing me the workaround I needed!

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